
Letter to the editor

Manhattan I want to applaud the April 25 editorial of Dan Thalmann. I assume editorial writers often wonder what readers’ reactions is to their thoughts! This one has good advice for parents and politicians! For context, I am a 1958 graduate of Washington High School and, although I read several local and national publications regularly, the only newspaper I write to is my hometown paper, the Washington County News.

Energy developments are beneficial, despite lack of information

I want you to understand that even though I’ve voiced support for the various endeavors by energy industry development companies that have shown interest in our area recently, I do not consider myself the marketing arm of their company. I think there are opportunities to be had with solar and hydrogen, but I’ll still need to ask questions, even if I know answers won’t be quickly forthcoming.

Northern lights would’ve been better if smartphone wasn’t necessary

Does seeing the Northern Lights really count when they are mostly experienced through the lens of a smartphone? Jen and I drove south of Palmer to a dark open space and to a few other spots with horizon views to look at the Aurora Borealis after seeing reports on social media that it was going to happen. My ongoing hope for a multi-day (or multiyear) blackout caused by solar flares did not happen, but we were able to see a haze of different colors across the entire sky.

Eclipsing memories during a rare moment

Standing in the middle of the backyard with my wife and the fellow painting our house, we donned our complimentary eclipse glasses that I procured from the NASA tent at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival a few months prior and stared upward.

Rare White-winged Dove found in Linn

A rare dove was found in Linn on Thursday morning. Global birder Warren Buss found a White-winged Dove in his back yard, then the dove spent time flying around the neighborhood in the south part of Linn.

Letter to the editor

Topeka Sometimes it just takes another pair of eyes to see what’s before you. After reading last week’s letter identifying TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome, I realized that I am afflicted: I do not brag about Joe Biden and I just complain about Donald Trump.

Letter to the editor

Trump derangement syndrome Robert (Trapper) Young Greenleaf Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), what would ole Henry Klee of Steele City have said about the recent letters to the editor. I also think about an old friend Tommy Mall, editor of the Linn Palmer Record.

Wrens, orioles, hummingbirds should arrive in the next week

Many of our favorite local birds will likely show up in the next week. Wrens, hummingbirds and orioles are all expected to arrive any day now. The first week of May in this part of Kansas is big for the arrival of our summer resident birds, as well as the quick opportunity to see other birds like warblers and shorebirds passing through on their way north.