Farmington 4-H has meeting


The meeting of the Farmington 4-H Club was Dec. 20 via Zoom. President Jack Gilliam called the meeting to order. Rowley Keesecker lead the club with the Pledge of Allegiance. Hayden Englert conducted roll call, which was answered by your favorite holiday tradition. There were 18 members and 3 leaders. Hayden Englert read the minutes of last month’s meeting. Madisyn Lohse said that last month’s meeting was submitted to the Washington County News office but not printed yet.

Joree Bentz gave the treasurer’s report. Jack Gilliam talked about this month’s council meeting. Club days, Redwheel, Clover buds starting in January. New agent in the Clay Center office. Booster club awards. Jesse gave the leaders report; Redwheel is due on Jan. 6, 2021. Members need to try to sell over 20 items for a reward.

Model meeting was discussed for club day, which is held on Feb. 6 via zoom, the club discussed possible days to practice for club days. New business was discussed about model meeting, and demonstrations for model meeting. There was no recreation and no program talks. Announcements were made. Next meeting is Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. via zoom.